Conquering public speaking

A self help podcast looking at the power of the mind. Developing inner strength and empowering oneself.

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Friday Jan 03, 2020

In this episode we look at 4 key stages of mental preparation prior to doing your presentation or speech.
These 4 stages will give you that competitive edge and prepare you to deliver a well rounded and effective speech.

Friday Nov 29, 2019

Join me in episode 3 where we look at Perceptions, expectations and Reality surrounding public speaking.
we will look at our perceptions and how these may have been shaped and how these influence our expectations on what is going to happen. We will look at our expectations verses reality and how our brain over complicates a very basic situation.

Thursday Nov 14, 2019

In this episode we look at the origins and root casuses behind stage fright and Glossophobia. Join me as I go through the four most common causes for our phobias.
Through this episode we will be able to understand our phobias origins and gain clarity into why we are unable to perform one of the most basic tasks.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019

Join me as we begin our journey looking at how our bodies react in phobic situations. In this episode we will look at each stage to identify what feelings emotions and symptoms we might be experiencing when dealing with public speaking or similar situations.

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